特別講義「Electromechanics of droplet under electric field: basics, simulation and experiments」

開催時期 令和4年12月13日(火)
ジャンル 令和4年度


  • Droplets play important roles in a variety of electric applications.
  • For example, aqueous drops on an insulating surface or in insulating oil have significant effects on the system performance.
  • Unlike solid particles whose behavior is predictable based on their charging condition and electric field, aqueous droplets may change their shape readily under electric field.
  • Such characteristic complicates the electromechanical behavior of droplets.
  • Deformation, breakup and coalescence of droplets can take place and are influenced by the existence of electric field.
  • The following topics will be presented in the talk:
  • Fundamentals of electromechanical interaction between electric field and the droplet,
  • Numerical analysis of droplet stability under electric field,
  • Simulation of drop dynamics to investigate droplet deformation and coalescence.

Experimental observations of charge and uncharged droplet behavior under electric field.



